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The following leadership gifts still exist and function today as per the grace given and the church should embrace in order to grow and mature and to attain the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:8-16):


Apostles are missionaries called, set apart and sent by God to preach the gospel and open churches .They are followed by signs and wonders and they are willing to suffer persecution for the gospel or even death. They also teach the correct or foundational practices so as to bring order in the church . They should meet the qualities of an oversee i.e. they should be above reproach in family and church . Mathew 10:1-5,Acts 14;14,Acts 2:43,Acts 4:30, Acts 5:12, Acts 14;3,Heb 2:2-4,Rom 15:20,2 Cor 10:16,Acts 16,2 Cor 11;18-28,Acts 2:42,15:1-35,Icor 14:37, Acts 17;10-11,1 Cor 12:18,28,Acts 5:18-19, I Tim 3:2,Titus 1:9.


Prophets work with Apostles to bring a balance in the ministry. They foretold events and warned of danger and they also confirmed what God had spoken. Their words should be carefully examined to ensure they agree with the word of God because there are also false Prophets, Apostles, Teachers, brothers etc. Prophets also redirect the church to the purposes of God. They should meet the qualities of an oversee i.e. they should be above reproach in family and church . Luke 11:49,1 Cor 12:28,Eph 2:20,Rev 18 :20,John 16;13,Acts 11:28,Acts 21:10-11,Acts 15:32,Deut 18:22,Acts 13:1-2,Jer 28;9,1 Thes 5:19-21,1 Cor 12 & 14,Acts 20:23, I Tim 3:2,Titus 1:9.


Evangelists are gifted and with the zeal in preaching the gospel and help people accept Jesus as savior. They travel and preach in open air meetings and also carry out personal evangelism. They also equip the believers to reject sin. They should meet the qualities of an oversee i.e. they should be above reproach in family and church . Acts 8:5-13,26-40,Acts 21:8,4:Eph 11-12, I Tim 3:2,Titus 1:9.


Pastors are shepherds who guard, guide and feed the sheep. They care for discipline ,pray for, love and minister to the believers .They should meet the qualities of an oversee i.e. they should be above reproach in family and church .This gift is more recognized in the world today than the other gifts which should not be the case. All gifts or graces of the lord must be recognized Acts 20;28,I Tim 3:1-13,Titus 1:5-9.


Teachers are enabled by the Holy Spirit to help others understand the word of God and God’s plan. This gift is normally combined with the role of pastor or elder . They should meet the qualities of an oversee i.e. they should be above reproach in family and church . I Tim 3:2,Titus 1:9.


• In short the Apostles guard the church from false doctrine and practice,
• Prophets guide the church in evangelism and missionary outreach,
• Evangelists gather the unbelievers through preaching the word accompanied by healing, exorcism and miracles ,
• Pastors help grow the believers spiritually and
• Teachers ground the believers on the solid rock ,Christ Jesus.