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Jesus is our model as He served in all the five fold ministries. Church leaders may be combinations of the above as the lord gives the grace according to the need of the time e.g. pastors may be also teachers and evangelists. These are job descriptions given by God and not titles given by men. Mere titles without the grace of God are meaningless. Paul is referred to as brother Paul not Apostle Paul. Leaders are not elected but recognized and appointed as per the calling and the grace of God.

Role of Other Gifts (Ministries)

The Lord wants us as a church not to be ignorant of other different kinds of spiritual gifts , kinds of service, kinds of working, message of wisdom and knowledge, gift of faith and healing, miracles, discerning of spirits, gift of administration, speaking in tongues and its interpretation.

All these gifts are given by the Holy Spirit for the common good of the body of Christ 1 Cor 12;1-31.The church is a unit made up of many parts which complement each other. Also below are areas believers are gifted and talented in the body of Christ which may be exploited for the glory of God. It is good to know that in the church the above ministries may overlap or work together in harmony not in competition with each other.

Serving and helps is the practical service in the local fellowship.

Exhortation is to encourage, inspire, warn and inform people, stir up believers to worship, to work and witness for the lord.

In giving one gives his or her earthly goods to support God’s work.

Mercy is having sympathy and caring feeling for the needs of others.
Intercession is prayer and fasting on behalf of others.
Hospitality is a kind welcome in church or homes which has won many to Christ.
Visitation is taking God’s love to others who can’t come to us e.g. the sick, lonely, aged or those in prison.

Reconciliation is to bring together in peace those who have been enemies in church or outside to bring healing to their painful hostility.
In social concern God wants us to reach out to the poor and needy in the community.

Literature media and fine arts. There is power in reaching people through the written word, films, radio, television ,internet and Information Communication Technology (ICT). These will aid in teaching the word and enriching worship and making better witness to the world.

Growing and Strengthening the Local Church

The leaders should make efforts to grow and strengthen the local church as enabled by the lord since it is a very vital unit of the church. Below are some guidelines on this important matter.

  • Growing means to increase in size, to become better, to become more developed or mature.
  • Growing spiritually can be achieved through fellowship, prayers, signs & wonders, grace & favor, infilling with the Holy spirit.
  • The church can grow both physically and biologically in numbers.
  • The church can grow also grow financially through giving.
  • It can grow in development projects ,acquiring properties etc. Acts 2:41-47,4:4,19:1-8