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Deep Dive into the Scriptures

Every Wednesday, Wonder Workers invites you to join our Weekly Bible Study Gathering—an enriching experience designed to deepen your understanding o

September 6, 2017

Spreading Love Beyond Borders

Wonder Workers is dedicated to making a positive impact beyond the confines of our regular meetings. Our Community Outreach and Charity Event is a te

September 5, 2017

Worship Night Under the Stars

Title: "Praises under the Open Sky" Description: Prepare to immerse yourself in a divine atmosphere at our Worship Night Under the Stars. This outdoo

September 3, 2017

Interactive Youth Bible Quiz

Title: "Faith Challenge for the Youth" Description: Wonder Workers believes in nurturing the faith of the next generation, and our Interactive Youth

September 2, 2017

Weekend Retreat for Spiritual Renewal

Title: "Retreat to Renew, Reflect, and Rejoice" Description: In the midst of life's busyness, Wonder Workers invites you to a Weekend Retreat for Spi

September 1, 2017