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According to Global Disciples out of a population of 7 billion people on earth 2.5 billion people have never heard the gospel and about 49,000 people die daily in the world hence all believers have been given the responsibility by God to reach these people with the gospel of Jesus Christ Rom 10:9-10.The world population is increasing at the rate of over 70 million persons each year and less than 4% (3 million) of these people are touched by the gospel as per World Map records.

Some of the methods used to win souls are mass evangelism through open air crusades, mass media and social media (Acts 8:5-8,Acts 8 :35-36.Acts 20:20-21) and person to person soul winning (Acts 8:1,4,Luke 19:10,Prov 11:30).

Why should we Evangelize

  • Jesus was a soul winner (ITim 1:15,Luke 19:10Matt 4:19, Math 28:19-20,Acts 1:18,Luke 14:23,Luke 15:2,Acts 5:42,@ Cor.5:18-19,Col 1:20,Rom 10:13-14)
  • The harvest is great and God is looking for workers (Mat 9:36-37,1 Cor 7:29,Luke 10:19,John 4:35,Luke 6:12,John 4:35,Luke 10:2,Acts 6:3)
  • The laborers are few and billions are yet to hear the gospel (Isaiah 6:8,Amos 8:11,Rom 15:20,2 Cor 10:16,2 Pet 3:9,1 Cor 15:34,Prov 10:5,James 4:17,Jeremiah 8:20,Mat 9:38).
  • The great commission to reach the whole world with the gospel before Jesus return Mark 16:15,1 Cor 15;3-4,Isaiah 6:8Mat 5:16,Luke 14:23,Acts 16:6-9,Math 28:20).
  • Unfulfilled prophecies on Jesus return 1 Cor 15:19,Mat 24;14,Mat 26:13,Luke 24:47,Acts 1:8,Rev 7:9,1Thes 4:17,Rom 10:13-15,Mat 23:23,2 Sam 19:12,Acts 3:19)
  • God will hold us accountable for both omission and commission in what we do on earth (Ezekiel 3:17-18,Ezekiel 33:6-8,Acts 20:18-26,Acts 9:6,15,20,Rom 1:14-15,Rom15:15-20,Ezekeil 3:19).
  • What we have experienced is great and we must demonstrate to the world (Heb 2:3-4,Mat 4:23,Mat 9:35,Gen 1:26-28,Mat 4:8-9,Heb 2:14,Mat 28:18-20,Mat 24:14,Acts 8!2,Acts 5:12-16,Gal.1:6-7,Mark 16;15-20)

Church Planning

The following are important principles to follow in church planting:

  • Hearing God to get the leading of the spirit so as to know the timing and the grace of God before opening a church. Also be keen to listen to the Mecadonian call i.e. where the people themselves request you to visit and preach to them.
  • Preparation through prayer, building relationships with people to partner with as a team since you cannot work alone in ministry to people.
  • Survey and mapping so as to know the venue i.e. hall, plot or house church (people).
  • Holding meetings to share the gospel of Jesus Christ e.g. house to house evangelism ,open air crusades, online engagement etc.
  • Leading or pointing people to Christ and not just to be members of the church or a certain denomination.
  • Supporting the physical needs of the people where possible i.e. distribution of food ,clothing, cash, carrying out community projects etc.
  • Training, mentoring (discipling) and coaching teams to participate in church activities. It is empowering converts to grow and function in the church.
  • Having faith in God and strong commitment in all circumstances e.g. in warfare, hardships. It is important to patiently wait upon the lord since sometimes it may take many years to see the real fruits of church planting. It may even take between one and upto fifteen years.
  • Commitment and love in carrying out the burden of ministry in an effort to transform lives of people. It is about sacrifice of your time, resources and paying the price for breakthrough.

Community Holistic Transformation Ministries/Projects

  • The church exists to meet its needs and those of the world out there to help expand the kingdom of God e.g. working as volunteers in the community, visiting the elderly, the sick, cutting grass in a public school and health center etc.
  • Coming together corporately and individually transforms the community through social economic development and spiritual matters ( Isaiah 56:6-8).
  • The church is moving away from condemning the city/village to blessing and praying for them.
  • It is about connecting with schools, community workers, health workers, security personnel/humanitarian agencies ,business community to encourage and pray with them to enable the church of Christ reconcile back to the community.
  • It is moving from being a minister in your own congregation to being a minister to your larger community.
  • Let us embrace holistic ministry which is a new concept to many, see community problems as opportunities and not liabilities to run away from. Change begins from within ,so get involved from somewhere.

Our Statement of Faith

This is our statement of faith as Christ Dominion Church:-

  • The Bible is the only divinely inspired, infallible and authoritative written Word of God (2Tm.3 15-17, ITh.2:13; 2Pt.1:21).
  • God is One eternally in three Persons i.e. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit (Di.6:4, Is.43:10,31: Mt.28:19, Lk.3:22).
  • Jesus Christ, the eternal Son is Lord and God and the Savior of all mankind, was born into this world of a virgin, lived sinless life , worked miracles and died on the cross at Calvary according to the Father’s will in order to atone for the sins of all people. He was raised from the dead having triumphed over every evil and the power of the devil and will personally return in power and great glory to judge the world and to establish His kingdom over all things (Mt.1:23: Heb 7:26, IPL 2.22,10.
  • The Holy Spirit being sent by the Father and the Son, can now lead the obedient believer into ‘all truth” i.e. He applies the power of the life of Jesus and the truth of God’s Word to every area of the believer’s life, sanctifying him for God and providing him with the gifts of the Spirit as He chooses (11h.5:23, In. i6 13-15).The Holy Spirit is suppose to abide and dwell in the believer always.
  • Mankind was made in the image of God and for His glory, but through sin he was corrupted in every area of his being. Being totally depraved, he is unable to save himself to the slightest degree from sin’s result which is eternal death (Rm.5:12-21).
  • Salvation is thus God’s loving response, according to His Word, to regenerate the spirit of the repentant soul to eternal life as a gift, by His Holy Spirit. Now the “born-again” believer is joined to God and has Christ and His faith dwelling within, giving him the power should he choose to use it, to live as Jesus lived, free from sin and fully pleasing unto God. (Eph 2:1-10; 1Pt.2:24).
  • The Foundation for salvation (being born-again”) is repentance from dead works and faith towards God. These are to lead the believer to being baptized in water and to be filled with the Holy Spirit, enabling him to function as priest unto God” (Heb.6: 1, 2; Ac.2:38; iPt.2:5; Rev 1:6).
  • The Church belongs to Jesus Christ alone, being His body of which He is the Head. It is only comprised of those who have been born again and is God’s vehicle for the comfort and up building of the saints. Jesus equips the Church with the fruit and gifts of the Spirit in order to combat the flesh and Satan so that it will fully reflect His power and glory on the earth (Mi. 16:18, 12, Ac.2:47, Epl.3:10, 4:11-16, 5 27).
  • We are at War and every believer is to conduct himself as a warrior in Christ’s service, in close, constant fellowship with the Head, and in faithful relationship to all other believers in God’s army (Ps.110:3; Eph.c:10-20).
  • Judgment awaits the righteous unto eternal life and the unrighteous unto eternal damnation (2Cor.5:1 0: 1Cor. 3:1 1-15;, Jn.5:28, 29, Rv.20:ll-15).
  • Baptisms : We believe in water baptism by full immersion in water after someone accepts Christ as savior/ lord and the baptism of the Holy Spirit being an ordination to service in the church.