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Interactive Youth Bible Quiz

Interactive Youth Bible Quiz


  • 02:45:34 - 02:45:34
  • 2023-12-09 - 2023-12-31

Title: “Faith Challenge for the Youth”
Description: Wonder Workers believes in nurturing the faith of the next generation, and our Interactive Youth Bible Quiz is designed to do just that. This engaging event is a lively and educational experience for young minds eager to explore the depths of scripture.

Participants can look forward to friendly competition, thought-provoking questions, and an opportunity to showcase their knowledge of the Bible. The quiz covers a range of topics, from notable biblical stories to fundamental teachings, encouraging participants to delve into the Word with enthusiasm.

The Youth Bible Quiz is not just a challenge; it’s a celebration of faith, learning, and community. Join us for an event that promises fun, growth, and a deeper connection to the rich tapestry of biblical wisdom.