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  • Leadership. The church is where Christ servant leadership is modeled ,understood and practiced and every ordinary believer is called, empowered and commissioned to manifest the works of Christ.
  • Plurality of Leadership. The church is led by a team of elders where one is clearly understood to be gifted to be a Lead Elder who is called, commissioned ,ordained ,recognized and confirmed by other leaders. For instance, one of the leader in the five fold ministry is given the grace to provide leadership the rest who readily submit to him
  • Elders are Servant Leaders. Elders ( both male and female) are honored as servants caring for the flock, providing spiritual care and directing them to the Chief Shepherd (Jesus).
  • Called to Pray ,Worship and Intercede. The church leaders are called to impart intercessors, praise and worship teams to worship in the Spirit and truth John 4:23-24.
  • Leadership Role. Leaders should empower the local church members to hear God and function not just pursuing their vision and empower them to stop over depending on leaders. For instance, in church planting Christ Dominion Church doesn’t open churches for pastors but they should clearly listen to God before opening churches to avoid closure.’ Ours is only to midwife and the pastor must raise his child (church) as per the grace and burden given by God. We can give a ministry cover but not the grace which they need dearly to function effectively. It is good to discern God and follow Him since all of us are learners in this way’.
  • Relational Leadership. The ministry is based on relationships founded on the lord Jesus Christ .No one has any control or dictate on the running of the fellowships as pertaining leadership. The ministry is purely about relational accountability. No one forces oneself over any fellowship of believers.
    Apostolic ministry came as a fathering ministry ,helping the church to grow in the new testament pattern where we receive and appreciate one another and nurturing each other in the faith. The ultimate call is to see Christ manifested through His body.
  • Recognition and Submitting to Leadership. The early church devoted themselves to the apostolic teaching in meetings and submitted to their decisions made with the direction of the lord, Acts 2:42.This is an important guide for the current church.

Leadership God’s Way

  • God’s leadership is based on God’s gifting and grace and not man’s elections.
  • Leaders are appointed by God and not by man.
  • It is not about self appointment.
  • It is not based on competitive elections or campaigns.
  • Leadership is not attained by promotion or career progression.
  • It is not a reward for long service in the church.
  • But it is a spiritual gifting, i.e. gifts of administration , for steering and directing .Romans 12:8 1Cor 12:18-28.
  • It is spiritual based on character , not academic achievement 1Tim 3:17.
  • God is the source of all leadership authority Rom 13:1 , Mathew 28:18-20.