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Our Vision

Our vision as believers is to lead people to Christ, to be born again and to have transformed lives and not just to have Bible knowledge Acts 3:19,2nd Corinthians 5:17.


Our mission as believers is to grow the saints in grace and knowledge of Christ and equip them to do the work of ministry so that the body of Christ may be build up to maturity Ephesians 4:11-13 .
Christ dominion church is build on the rock, Jesus Christ Himself is our true foundation Matthew 7:24-27,1st Corinthians 3:11.
We acknowledge the work God has done in our lives and in the ministry for the last 20 years of His grace and favor and to trust on Him to help us carry on with the church objective of making many disciples for Christ and transforming lives through the love of Jesus.
The church is committed to equip all the believers (saints) to do the will of God by ministering to one another and to the world through evangelism and compassion empowered by the grace of God and with the leading of the Holy Spirit ,Ephesians 4:11-16.
It is to help the believers to minister and worship God in Truth and the Spirit so as to touch and transform the lives of millions of people in the body of Christ around the world.
It is about helping the (church leaders i.e. Five fold grace ministers/elders) in the body of Christ to facilitate the functioning of the church biblically as an organism and organization to meet the purposes of God.
Furthermore, It is to guide and encourage all ministers to share the true gospel of Jesus Christ to reach the unreached and not just preaching materialism and world prosperity as currently being done in the body of Christ.
Also it is to insist on team leadership in the church for effective ministry as opposed to the most common one man show which is very selfish, immature and very ineffective.
Our aim is to radically assist the church to transform from the current rigid mechanical religious system run by mere rules and regulations of men to a dynamic ,spirit filled and graced church touching lives with the love of Christ and winning them for Jesus worldwide.
Finally, it also encourages parents to bring up their children to know and follow Christ through teaching, prayer, discipline and modeling them with God’s help because they are imperfect.
The church activities and programs are managed by a Management Committee made up of the following :- Presiding Bishop, Assistant Bishops, Regional Overseers, Sub County Overseers, Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, Assistant General Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and three (3) Members.
All those who work for Christ Dominion Church as prophets, apostles,pastors, evangelists ,elders and others are volunteers and are not paid salary. This is in line with their calling to serve God and transform lives of people through sacrifice and love of God.